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Administration and Management
Every company and organization must administer and manage its activities on a day to day and long term basis. To assist management in its planning, AVIA's associates are able to provide the relevant expertise either part time or under the terms of a contract assignment.

Aircraft Appraisal and Evaluation
For the new entrant, as well as the existing carrier, AVIA can provide AME professional engineers, duly licensed to conduct aircraft appraisals and evaluations. Subsequently, our appraisal/evaluation comprehensive and outstanding reports in respect of our findings, including deficiencies, will be submitted, greatly facilitating the acquisition/disposal process of aircraft.

Agency Support and Representation - Canada & Foreign
Procedures and requirements established by the Canadian Transportation Agency necessitate a sound knowledge of the Administration processes. The long and varied experience of the AVIA associates regarding government relations in general and Agency representation, in particular (application, support, interventions, replies, etc.) could be of assistance in your expansion plans and development. The same support is offered with respect to foreign agencies.

Commercial Assistance and Sales Agency
The extensive marketing and sales experience of the AVIA associates can be relied upon to establish a sales and distribution network for a better promotion and development of the services of the new or the existing carrier.

Expert Witness in Air Transport Cases
The varied experience in dealing with government authorities allows our associates to testify as expert witnesses in Air Transport cases in the economic, financial, marketing and operational fields in a credible and professional manner.

Financial Analysis and Control
Through its C.A. associates, AVIA can provide a complete financial package (budgets, feasibility studies, contract negotiations, computer evaluations, market projections, subsidies (government) and a review analysis of your needs and recommend timely and practical solutions to each situation.

Human Resources Assistance
To help you in your start-up operations or to face up an increased activity, AVIA can assist in providing human resources personnel on an as needed basis in the areas of secretarial services, (typing, word processing, printing of brochures, Technical manuals), as well as providing specialized technical courses, tariff filings, schedule printing and distribution.

International and Domestic applications
With the advent of "relaxed regulation" and the passing of the Canada Transportation Act 1986 in Canada, it is still necessary to make specific applications to the Canadian Transportation Agency. Our staff is very knowledgeable and experienced in such administrative tasks, including applications with foreign civil aviation. (CTA, TC, DOT, FAA, DGAC (France, Mexico), CAA (UK), etc.)

Market research
New projects and developments are best launched, and have the greatest hope of viability, when supported by Market Research specifically adapted to the particular needs of the client. Our University associates, specializing in Market Analysis, Research and Surveys, can design such analyses to provide the prerequisite information and input as well as timely recommendations.

Scheduling and Operating Systems
A combination of human expertise and computer assisted techniques are used in the preparation of optimum aircraft schedules and optimum crew allocation having regard, inter alia, to costs, availability, supply and demand, rules and regulations.

Tariff analysis and filings
From a simple competitive tariff filing to a full fledged analysis and evaluation, AVIA can provide timely, accurate, filings and will maintain liaison with the Aeronautical Authorities for approval, follow-up and modifications as requested by the client.

Airport Economic Development
Airports are increasingly appreciated as business enterprises in their own right. Enhancement of air services, retail concessions and industrial parks can all improve the airport's bottom line and add jobs for the regional economy. Airport authorities and communities can benefit directly from our market research and business plans. Airlines and other airport users benefit by understanding their economic contribution to the airport and region.

Dangerous Goods Courses and Security
With the advent of new legislation on Dangerous Goods and the more Security conscious travelling public, our associates at C.F.T. have created a fully integrated Dangerous Goods Handbook and a Security Manual which have proved extremely beneficial to their various users and devised specific and personalized courses which follow the I.C.A.O.-I.A.T.A. guidelines and are fully approved by Transport Canada.

Traffic Services and Facilitation
For the occasional traffic stop or for the established programme of the Scheduled or the Non-Scheduled carrier, AVIA can provide the necessary assistance and supervision of all the Ground Handling services required. In addition, through its association with a large F.B.O. organization at the Montreal airport, it can provide a round the clock flight watch, coverage and dispatch services on a worldwide basis including weather reports, mapping and all communications thanks to an elaborate system of H.F., V.H.F, ARINC, SITA and AFTN networks.

Spare Parts Provisioning
As a representative of APS-Air Parts and Services, a reputed (ISO 9002-1994, BVQI, ASA, EASA) seller of aircraft parts throughout the world, AVIA can respond to your RFQ’s in a fast and efficient manner.

Sub-contracts and Wet-leases
Our large and varied carrier contracts on all continents allow our charter specialists to respond to your needs for an urgent sub-contract or for an extended contract on a wet-lease basis at very competitive prices.

Maintenance Services
For the routine checks or the more elaborate ones ("C" and "D" Checks), upon request and on a reasonable advance notice, AVIA can assist and look for the necessary personnel, duly qualified and certified by Transport Canada and other Airworthiness authorities, to complete all the required work and maintenance programme that is necessary.

Electronic Data Processing and Computer Systems
To keep abreast of new developments in the Computer field and to make use of the new advanced PC's, our computer specialist associates have created various programmes dealing with Scheduling, Crew pairing, Accounting and Maintenance packages including the spares inventory, the Automatic ordering (EOQ) and devised personalized schedule assignment having regard to all regulatory constraints including all follow-ups on license validity and refresher courses.

Fuel Services and Dispatch facility
Whether on transit or on regular services, and upon request, AVIA can arrange and provide all handling assistance necessary including Fuel services, Ground handling and passenger counter facilities. Through its co-operation with various business aircraft operators, AVIA can also provide 24/7 flight watch including meteorology and communication services through H.F, V.H.F, ARINC, SITA, AFTN & INTERNET.

The requirements of the various regulatory bodies demand that all kinds of manuals be prepared and submitted. Our technical experts can set up a personalized Manuals library (Operations, Maintenance, Safety and Security, M.E.L.'s, Ground Handling Charter Operating Manual etc.)

Through our vast network of carrier clients and contacts with Travel Organisers in several countries, our charter specialists can establish an Incentive programme or devise a programme of aircraft rotations to improve the viability and the economy of the carrier's aircraft fleet.

Inspection Services
The current and plentiful availability of jet-powered aircraft makes it attractive to acquire additional capacity at low risk. However, all the aircraft should undergo a thorough inspection before any commitments are made. Upon request and on a reasonable notice, AVIA can assist and provide the necessary personnel, ISTAT member, duly qualified and certified by TC, FAA, CAA and/or other regulatory body to complete the inspection programme that is necessary and report theron.

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