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Airport Policy Analysis
Under contract to a Consulting firm, assisted in the analysis and development of Airport Policies for the Canadian Federal Government having regard to the various applications around the world and in particular within Europe, the USA and Australia, New Zealand and major Asian countries.

Airline Cost Study
Prepared a comprehensive cost analysis for a charter airline leading to a choice of aircraft and all attendant infrastructure.

Airline Development Plan
Undertook study of a five year plan for an international charter carrier. Prepared and carried out the appropriate market studies and developed the application for the respective route requests which were subsequently granted.

Airline Re-financing
Prepared a full re-financing study for a start-up airline including a complete review of the cost/revenue system.

Airline Fleet Study
Undertook a fleet upgrading analysis with a regional carrier, developed formulas for market share and penetration in order to ascertain the viability of the chosen aircraft. Completed the study and implemented the application for license.

Airline Reservation Study
Prepared a master plan for the choice of a Computer Reservation system (CRS) for a regional airline. Developed a comparison tool for obtaining an unbiased grid.

Impact of Air Transportation Deregulation in Quebec
Prepared a study for Transport Canada evaluating the impact of the "relaxed regulation" in Quebec on the airport infrastructure and the future improvement and expansion needs.

Air Transport Systems in Northern Quebec
Under contract to Hydro-Quebec, participated in the study of Air Transport systems in Northern Quebec concerning short and mid-term plans for an upgraded system including appropriate back-up capabilities.

Impact of the Transport Deregulation on Moncton
Participated with Lavalin/Econosult/Sigma on a study of the impact of the transport deregulation (all modes) as it may affect the city of Moncton.

Route Analysis and Costing
Prepared a comprehensive route study and costing analysis for a provincial government with a view to establishing a base costing for the services that are provided in order to assist in the evaluation of various competing services.

Tariff Studies and Subsidies
Undertook a general study of tariffs and rates that are applied in a remote and isolated area served in a monopolistic situation. Reviewed and established fare formulas to assist in the fare setting and calculated the level of subsidies that are currently incurred and that have been the object of a re-evaluation and assessment.

Regulatory Reform
Reviewed the Transportation Laws of an East European country and drafted new Laws and regulations establishing a more liberalised open market and competitive structure of the airline industry.

National Transportation Review
Under contract to a Law firm, assisted in the analysis and development of policies for the Canadian Federal Government having regard to the Slot allocation mechanisms and their various applications around the world in heavily congested airports. Contributed in the preparation and submission of policy guidelines with respect to the process used in the designation of carriers on International routes pursuant to bilateral air services agreements.

Expert Assistance - Bankruptcies
Assisted various Trustees in Bankruptcy in the orderly disposal of assets, analysis of regulatory requirements, implications of charter contracting, asset protection and evaluation.

Teaching and Conferences
Under the aegis of, and for IAMTI, prepared and delivered a bilingual specialised Marketing course dedicated to the first level management of small and medium airlines.

Launch and set-up of airline companies
Avia has participated in the creation of numerous airlines, developing and managing their business plans with the Canadian Governmental agencies as well as with international civil aviation authorities.

Bilateral studies
Reviewed and analysed many Bilateral Air Agreements with the objective of finding the best market fit and opportunities to launch air services. Successful launch achieved in 2003 and currently active.

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